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Old 04-12-2011, 06:35 AM
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Re: Certain script run at a certain time

Originally Posted by elesbb View Post
can you possibly put comments as to what each line is doing ? i think i understand the whole timestamp and unix format .. i beilieve with the IF statement you are ensuring it to be at MIDNIGHT , considering TimeStamp get the amount of seconds FROM 01/01/1970 ...

Tell me if this helps (I apologize in advance for the lengthy notes!).

varAutoRunTime="00:01" <--- this is a variable that stores a time for daily execution. Doing this lets you easily adapt it to other scripts. You can change this to anything you want really, like 06:00 for 6AM or 18:30 for 6PM. I don't recommend 00:00 because the phone updates the calendar at that time every day. Most of my scripts are at 3AM, 6AM, etc..

varSelf = SystemPath("ScriptPath") \ SystemPath("ScriptName") & SystemPath("ScriptExt")
varMort = SystemPath("ScriptExe") \ "MortScript.exe" <--- these two variables just point to the Mortscript shell exe and your own script. It's used later to schedule a notification.

varAutoRunTimeH = part(varAutoRunTime,":",1)
varAutoRunTimeM = part(varAutoRunTime,":",2) <--- extract 2 integers from the time setting above using the colon as the separator. the H variable will have something like "00" and M will have "01" (1 minute past midnight).

If(varAutoRunTimeH < 0 OR varAutoRunTimeH > 23 OR varAutoRunTimeM < 0 OR varAutoRunTimeM > 60)
varAutoRunTimeH="00" <---making sure that we didn't set the time incorrectly in the first line above. H has to be between 0 and 23 inclusive, while M has to be between 0 and 59 inclusive. I guess I should have a 59 instead of a 60 in this line actually, but they'll work identically for our purposes. If you set the first line above to something like 24:70, it'll default to 7AM (07:00) because it assumes you've made a mistake. These two lines are totally optional obviously.

varTomorrow = TimeStamp()+86400 <--- this points to a time exactly 24hrs from now. TimeStamp() returns the current time and 86400 is added, which translates to 24hrs in seconds. The time is in Unix format (seconds since 1/1/70). We need to use the Unix format so we can avoid dealing with figuring out tomorrow's date (no need to roll over months, years, Feb issues, etc..).

varTomorrowMidnight = varTomorrow - (FormatTime("H",varTomorrow)*3600) - (FormatTime("i",varTomorrow)*60) - (FormatTime("s",varTomorrow)) <--- this line computes the Unix time of tomorrow's date at midnight. It's basically tomorrow's time (24hr in the future), minus the hours/minutes/seconds past midnight so it's adjusted to 0:00:00 of tomorrow's date. If the current time is 04-12-2011 6AM, varTomorrowMidnight will add 24hrs to the current time and then subtract 6hrs (21600 seconds). The result is 04-12-2011 0:00 in Unix format.

varTomorrowSchedule = varTomorrowMidnight + (varAutoRunTimeH*3600) + (varAutoRunTimeM*60)<--- this line basically uses tomorrow's midnight time and adds whatever we set in the first line above. For you, if you're using 00:01 up there, it'll only add 1 minute (60 seconds) to varTomorrowMidnight. You can see that you can combine this line with the previous if you'd like to optimize the script - no need to go back to midnight, and then forward to a scheduled time.
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