Re: No2Chem nueROM 2.0 (WM6.1) Thread
Okay. This is what I have found so far concerning the data connection:
Setup 1 - using Microsoft Direct Push (MDP) and Data Connection
I check comm manager and notice that both the data connection and Microsoft Direct Push are lit up and showing as running additionally, the arrows in the taskbar are showing a connection. I disable MDP and the data connection continues to run. Data connection will shut down if I press the icon within comm manager. Icon returns back to tower on taskbar.
Setup 2 - Using Active Sync and Data Connection
I check the comm manager, no data connection enabled, no active sync enabled. I click on active sync and initiate a sync to my server. Data Connection lights up and arrows light up in task bar. Active sync finishes but connection manager icon still shows on and connection arrows on taskbar stay on.
Using Itsall_cool regedits on a previous post, I disconnected the data connection. I then set active sync to check for mail every five minutes. The data connection begins but after five minutes does not shut down (it normally takes about 20 seconds to check and download). The data arrows on the taskbar continue to show as well. Data arrows continue to show until I manually shutdown the connection. Icon changed from arrows to antenna tower after I manually shut the data connection. If I run active sync manually the data connection also continues to run after it has finished sync'ing.
Moved over to Pocket Internet Explorer (PIE).
Initiated an Internet Connection to MSN Mobile (dialer showed calling 777) and ran great. Data arrows showed up. Shutdown PIE but arrows remained. Checked out Task Manager and PIE is not loaded. Data arrows continue to show until I manually shutdown the connection. Icon changed from arrows to antenna tower after I manually shut the data connection.
From what I have found it seems that the data connection is continueously running when you establish either an MDP, Active Sync (manual or scheduled), or Web connection. You have to manually disconnect the vision data connection.
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