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Old 04-09-2011, 10:58 PM
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Re: [ROM] Project: Teya 1.7.0 [24-Mar-2011]

Originally Posted by sonami View Post
the cht error is a known error with cht, has nothing to do with teya or the imagio. you should be able to do anything with the imagio oc'd as you would if it wasnt oc'd, including anything in teya portal, every other problem your having sounds like a hardware problem, i would send your phone back to verizon and have it replaced. you should not be having all these problems with your phone, they are not common with the imagio at all...
No doubt. I was just trying out this animated gif as my wallpaper. Turned all animations on as I had it set to none for slower devices. Manually restarted and all of a sudden my background was black and my menus were different. I found CHTEditor and selected it. It then stated that CHTEditor was not installed and asked if I wanted to search the web for it. It was as if I had no home screen. The slider at the bottom was always up. I dont know what happened but it was all weird. I rebooted again and it was the same. So finally I took it apart and soft booted and it's back to normal lag.

No sense in sendin it to VZW as I plan to drop $600 on a ThunderBolt soon. Can't wait!
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