04-09-2011, 12:18 PM
Location: The Frozen Tundra
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Re: I have no idea how to update to 2.2...
Originally Posted by tkjames
I just wanted to say thanks so much for this thread!! I'd tried the Sprint update a few weeks back and it didn't take. I sat and read through all 11 pages to get the info, then did the Odin-to-stock-to-update-to-root process. I'm happy to say that it worked the very FIRST time I tried it (a technological miracle), and now I'm exploring Froyo. So thanks much guys!
One quick question: can programs installed on the phone be moved to the SD card without having to uninstall and re-install? I'm primarily moving all of my games but would hate to lose the data on a couple of them.
Thanks again!
Update: Okay, I now see that there's a "Move to SD card" option in Settings. But for some programs it's grayed out, so does that mean that specific program simply isn't capable of being run from the SD card, even if I were to try to re-install it there?
Some programs will only work on the phones memory. Most of which are system apps.
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