The problem is that the end key button doesn't end the call when its dialing.
the phone just makes the dam call anyway and the worst part is that the end key wont hang the dam call! The end button on the screen wont end the call either
It goes through and the only way I can end the call is to go to the task manager and put the phone on airplane mode.
Does anyone have a fix to when I press the end key to automatically shut off all applications or put the phone on airplane mode or somethinng...anything..
Sometimes when I press the talk key, it makes the last call instead of just bringing up the dialer like it should... Then I panic and hit the end key but thats when it gets stuck..
Fix found:
Both elesbb's and maxx134 recommendations work.
Elesbb's you can find in post
Maxx134 You can find in post
Ive been using maxx's since he added it and It has fixed the problem.
Thanks to both you guys!
Make sure you give thanks to these guys if you use it!!!