Originally Posted by Aloupha
I'll wait till RC10. Everything is working the way they should except for GPS as some others have reported. I did the fix, but the problem continues.
for whatever reason .. i had to do the fix twice and on the 2nd time i was finally able to get the gps to work correctly ... after the first time it didnt fix anything
GPS (mlin's guide)
GPS fix- has worked for many users, however, YMMV.
1 - Go to the Market and download the app: MSL Reader
2 - Use this app to get your MSL # (mine was six digits) 2 - Flash to any Sense ROM
3 - Launch phone dialer and dial ##GPSCLRX# (##4772579#)
4 - Enter the MSL Number from above
5 - Your phone will automatically reboot in 10 seconds
6 - After you're rebooted back into the Sense rom download GPS status from the market and be sure to get a GPS lock
7 - reFlash or restore CM7/MIUI
8 - Hopefully this fixed your GPS!
how can we get the gps icon to show on taskbar when it is activated?