Originally Posted by arrrghhh
Devs already know about it, thanks. No need to report it again .
No offense here... Aside from what info I have posted, how exactly do the devs know what MY phone is doing?
All I am asking is to know what it means, and what the current expected (normal?) state is. I am trying to help as much as possible here, and not being a dev (well an android dev) myself, all I can do is provide feedback. Its possible that I have an app running thats causing it to not sleep properly, and I would assume an interaction and feedback like that could prove to be quite useful in understanding what may be causing any sleep issues in the end.
I have abandoned windows mobile totally. My phone (believe it or not) is MUCH more stable in android. I was running Haret, but it was sluggish, and I wasnt happy. Even with its flaws, I am reasonably happy with Nand, and am trying to do what I can to help improve it. If my help is not welcome, i will go back to the shadows and follow the thread from there....