Originally Posted by vin255764
This is HTC EVO.It is a powerhorse!!
Using senseless Rom means you all give up on this device and simply trying to clean up OS so device can be usefull...
Think about it.How about jump into sense boat and improve it to perfection,or make a flawless ginger-sense ROM?
Deck made a perfect base,and I'm sure with support and ideas from all of us we can run much greater ROM.
Do not give up on SENSE UI.I would never pay for EVO if it couldn't run Sense ROM.
This is the future (buggy and crappy as of today,but guy trying really hard....) [ROM][DEV][WIP] ACEvo GB - Desire HD/S Gingerbread Port (2.3.3 & 2.3.2 w/ Sense 2.1) - xda-developers
Clearly you have never used SPB's Shell 3D. I'm running it and it completely blows HTC Sense out of the water. I suggest you try it out. Yeah, it's expensive (only $15, but that is still pretty expensive for an app). But the price is the only negative. The actual app is by far the best interface available for an Android phone.
Try it out for about 3 days and see if you can go back to HTC Sense after that.
EDIT: Make sure you use it on a ROM that doesn't have Sense like Cyanogenmod or Evo Deck. I haven't used it on a Sense ROM so I don't know if it would lag or not on a Sense ROM. It's smooth as butter on both Evo Deck and CM7 though (the only 2 ROMs I have used it on).