Originally Posted by WarChild
which sticky says that and where can he find it?
Here you go.. I thought this was posted on the OP but I could not find it so I did a search in this thread and this is what I found.
Get MSL Reader app from the market and get your MSL
Nandroid Backup EVO-Deck (GB rom)
Nandroid restore Sense ROM backup
Goto the dialer and type in ##GPSCLR# or ##GPSCLRX#
Let the phone reboot
Once phone is back up, reboot into recovery and wipe everything
Nandroid restore EVO-Deck (GB rom)
Download GPS Status APP from market and run
Remember you must be on a Froyo Sense rom to do this fix. Do not attempt this on a gingerbread rom as it will not work.
If this does not help you then Google "evo gingerbread rom GPS fix" and you get tons of options.