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Old 04-07-2011, 11:56 PM
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Re: An Open and Honest Review of the HTC Arrive & Windows Phone 7

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
informative es lo de menos. I see this as mostly a hissy fit type thing because he's complaining about smileys this so called forced fb integration and that u supposedly can't have more than one account associated with the device. I don't see the point in that. as for the heat issue that's associated with the battery cover being metal which is a heat conductor so of course it will feel hotter,common 3rd grade knowledge right there. my tp would get way hotter and its cover was plastic.

and how would u know this? do u own the device? have u played with it for longer than 5 minutes? didn't think so.
op is stating his issues not having a "hissy fit" so were not gonna get all crazy in this thread. you like the phone for your reasons and he posted what he likes and dislikes and all in all its just a phone and nothing personal towards you. you can always start a thread on what you like about the arrive if you want.
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