As per
"My Blog", I've added another tweak to my list of things you can do to a fathom.
I found a nifty way to force apps to either autorotate with the accelorameter off, or to force them to a specific rotation at all times.
See below. (I'm still digging thru these keys to see what else is possible)
1: you need a reg editor. I have PHM on my phone for when I want to make a simple change on the go. I also have CERegistryEditor on my desktop and laptops so that I can edit it like I would on my PC without needing to mess around on the phone itself. (Just a plug for those two apps, any Reg Editor will work)
2: Find HKEY_CURRENT_UERS\Software\LGE\RotateManager\Exclu sive\Apps
3: using one of the other apps as an example, create a new key for the app you want to add to the list of apps that rotate when you tip the phone.
(For this example, I will be using GoogleMaps, mostly because that is the first one that I added to the phone because I use my phone as a GPS system in my car in landscape, with the keyboard closed)
Each subkey has 4-ish 5-ish available items to choose from. I haven’t had time to test all of them, but I used Pictures&Videos as one example of how to allow it to access the Accelerometer data even with the sensor off in settings, and Solitare as the example for how to force it to a set rotation setting ( I deleted the solitare key so I could play in landscape mode if I wanted to.)
Item 1: AccelSensor. DWORD. when set to 1, the auto-tip feature is turned on no matter what your settings are, set to 0, it is locked to whatever rotation you are currently on
Item 2: Priority. DWORD. No idea what that does yet. I just set it to 39 on my GoogleMaps example becasue that is what the others are set to
Item 3: Process. String. Put JUST THE NAME OF THE PROCESS HERE. Not the path to it. Whatever the process shows up as in task manager is the item you want. For me, this is GoogleMaps.exe
Item 4: SlideSensor. DWORD. Not currently sure what it does. Tells whether or not to look at the slider. (I think)
Item 5: DMDO, DWORD. 4 settings: 0, 1, 2, 4.
0: Portrait (Rotation of 0 degrees)
1: RT-Hand Rotate (90 degree rotate, opposite of slider)
2: Inerted portrait (180 degrees of rotation.)
4: Left-Hand Rotate (270 degrees of rotation. Same direction as slider)
This key can be set with only the process key to force an app to stay in a certain setting. Enjoy.
Literally copied and pasted from the blog.
I'll be updating my blog with more random items I've found and then posting them here after a few minutes\hours\when I have time.