- 1GB RAM, seriously, memory is cheap, enough of this bull****
- 8GB internal storage
- 1GHZ mobile processor (it already exists)
- VGA resolution
- Accelerated DirectDraw/OpenGL video drivers
- Whatever EVDO rev or upgrade is needed so we can use data and voice at the same time.
- Gaming D-Pad/button layout (closet I've seen/liked was Casiopeia E-125 layout)
- Non buggy phone functions
- Better Battery life
- A new HTC Touch version (obviously without keyboard), but with all the above features (WiFi!)
[*] 90 TB RAM, seriously, memory is cheap, enough of this bull****[*] 3TB internal storage[*] 5GHZ mobile processor with quad cores (it already exists)[*] hdmi resolution and 5 screens[*] Accelerated DirectDraw/OpenGL video drivers[*] Whatever EVDO rev or upgrade is needed so we can use data and voice at the same time.[*] Gaming D-Pad/button layout (closet I've seen/liked was
Casiopeia E-125 layout)[*] Non buggy phone functions[*] Better Battery life standard 5200mha battery that uses fox urine[*] A new HTC Touch version (obviously without keyboard), but with all the above features (WiMax)[/list]