Originally Posted by JohnnyOnTheSpot
Not that I know of, is there any way to check? I know I've done a few installs through there, but I didn't think I did anything like that. I mean, I might have, I honestly don't know.
And don't worry, I'll click it on every one when I'm done haha, I'm an appreciative fellow.
woot time to give ya 200 things to try so I can get a bunch of them
jk lol (no one do this lol)
hmm..ok then there are 2 ways to proceed...one we can just flash you to EB13 via tool then EC05 update.zip (easy way)...Odin directly to EC05 (easy but but there are room for issues)...your data will end up being wiped both ways...so you will have to backup your stuff and hope everything goes through fine...
Other way is to do clockworkbackup, Odin to DI18, restore data via clockwork and then proceed to install via that update.zip
your call..