Originally Posted by sonami
the mms fix worked, the no rotation did not work, it still rotates on its own...
K, I am thinking that it won't be possible with a simple cab. I can try a different route tonight, I will post it as soon as I verify that it works. I will definitely add a toggle for this in 1.8.0.
Originally Posted by gpinc
Hi Jmart,
There is any way you can add/include a tool like Task29 for your rom. So that way every time we flash Teya rom that tool will zap the phone rom and flash new rom. That way we can keep away any kind of glitches. We can make sure nothing is left from previous rom flashes.
Just my thought. I am not expert like you to make a call.
Your Project Teya rocks.

I agree, Task29 and Task29 often, but I won't include it because Barin has already made it so much easier with his tool. You can find it
It is an amazing update tool, you can save all your .nbh's in its folder and then select them before flashing. There are also options to Task29 and Task32 (flash only the splash or radio only). Let me know if you need help with it, I will do my best to answer any questions you may have.
Thanks BRosenow for confirming that exchange is in fact working for you. I was getting a little worried since I don't use exchange nor do I have anyway of testing.