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Old 04-06-2011, 03:14 PM
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Re: An Open and Honest Review of the HTC Arrive & Windows Phone 7

You definitely bring up some great points and explained it well and hopefully alot of these will be fixed in future updates. I agree that Windows Phone 7 still has a long way to go before it is really ready to compete with how even windows mobile used to be, but I think once it finally does get there (and I'm almost positive it will) the platform will be so much better. I do miss the absolute customisability of windows mobile, but the flow and smoothness where everything just works on my arrive and I don't have to worry about things randomly not working far outweighs its current shortcomings, at least for me. I think once an unlock for Nodo comes out many things can be tweaked and added to make it more functional.

Great read though, I agree with just about everything you said.
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