Originally Posted by ModmyPPC
Yeah stupid me, I already had it saved on my sd card and I was like "Whats this? " and it was that exact widget. lmao
Im such a dummy. But thanks for the reply! And thats awesome news this widget is amazing! I was just checking out the different themes that is over xda and I must say amazing stuff!
Too bad these themes dont get as much attention here!
LOL you're not alone..I forget and re-download the same stuff all the time. I'll have it show up with (1) added to the name and I'm like dammit not again lol.
ah cool so you've seen them. That was the next thing I was going to ask is if you've seen the skins and wanted a link. for those of you who haven't seen or heard of them, here's a link..
dreamTeam SimClock Skins Thread - Post Your Own