Originally Posted by OMJ
after further investigation, the rotary lock will not work on my ROM.....I replaced the framework-res.apk (to get battery % & transparent curtain) which contained code for the rotary lock.
if you really want the rotary lock, you will need to push the attached framework-res.apk, but you will lose battery % & transparent curtain.....next week I'll get w/ amikam & see if he can help me mod this attached framework to include battery % & transparent curtain.
to push to phone while in Android:
copy framework-res.apk to you sdk/tools dir
adb remount
adb push framework-res.apk /system/framework
adb reboot
you'll also want to delete or rename /system/app/htclockscreen.apk
to push to phone from recovery:
copy framework-res.apk to you sdk/tools dir
adb shell mount /system
adb push framework-res.apk /system/framework
Yep Had a problem with boot loops but I found a flash file with the lock screen app you can get it and just flash in recovery like any other mod and always remember to wipe cache and dalvik before you flash and always make a nadroid back up this automatically deletes htclockscreen.apk this is tested and working on OMJ 4.6 deodex