Why ban tiad8 but not arrrghhh?
There seems to be some favoritism going on here.
Saketkutta posted notice that a new tiad8 build was coming, but it was locked becuase:
"1) The OP must be the actual chef of the ROM here so he can support it."
Yet, arrrghhh routinely posts new kernels that are built by WisTilt2, WisTilt2 isn't here to support it.
Furthermore, arrrghhh's posts admit that he and WisTilt2 are violating the GPL: "there is no public GIT repo that this kernel code resides on".
I'm not knocking arrrghhh, I'm just trying to find out why the mods are playing favorites.
mod edit: removed poll because the builds in question contained warez and were against our rules no matter how you look at it.
Last edited by orangekid; 04-04-2011 at 12:46 PM.