Two camera on the same device at the same time. 5_07_28987 & 4_05_29446
ok, these are the two versions that we have been playing with.
version 4_05_29446 (titan original) is camera 1
version 5_07_28987 (vouge original) is camera 2
no need to move any files to the windows folder like the earlier versions. these versions run within the folders they create (program files\camera1 and program files\camera2).
each version will have it's own icon in the programs list and each version can be set to a hard ware key.
bottom line.... now you can have both camera's installed on your device at the same time. just in case you dont know which one you want to keep.
PDA's I've owned/used in order... (retentions loves me)... nextel i930, BB 7100i, PPC-6700 (apache), treo 700p, PPC-6700, treo 700wx, PPC-6800 (mogul), PPC-6900 (touch), treo 755p, PPC-6900 (touch), BB 8130 (Pearl),PPC-6800 (mogul), BB 8330 (Curve) Diamond, treo 800w, Touch Pro, BB 8330 (Curve)