Originally Posted by moe dope
hey JD i was wondering remember the first rom u did with 6.0 the one that has all the iphone stiles in it! ive testedt all the roms in this forum and for me that one is the best so far every time i put a new rom always come back to that one in less than a day.
my question is how can i upgrade that rom to 6.1 and leve evreting else the way it is cause frankly its the best one, only added a couple of apps like full screen keyboard and iphone stile stuff to it
Well I have a new rom wm6.1 rom that I hope to have done tomorrow I used my own base so hopefully it won't have any problems ..... the programs I used for that rom is just a Iphone dialer I found on xda ..... I personally changed the dialer because I like to keep a touch a touch and a Iphone an Iphone but you can find those dialer skins there