Originally Posted by natemcnutty
For the install script, I have it loop mount on loop0, but as soon as the file copy is done, it deletes that mount. When you originally committed it, loop3 was not being made in MAKEDEVS, so I added that, but I don't think you ever committed the change to move modules to loop0 (probably were just testing it).
For depmod, our version is pretty dumb. It doesn't have the ability to accept any commands, so it will only depmod if /system/lib/modules/uname/ is there. This is why depmod during the install script fails and gives that error in the bootlog.txt.
Installing apps using the androidupdate.tgz is a little weird. The APK's have to be formatted properly, or they will not install. For example, Superuser.apk works perfectly fine, but I cannot get other APK's like Terminal to install from my Titanium Backup if I just toss it in the /system/app folder.
Also, I think I've ironed out the issues with root. Titanium Backup installs Busybox to the data partition where it looks for it just fine, but other programs don't know to look there, so they fail. If you download Busybox from the Market, it thinks there is no space left in system, but you can install it to /system/xbin anyway... Once Busybox is installed, ES File Explorer (et al) allow root access without issues (after a restart).
I didn't have to do anything special with the apps before. But I found the problem... I had the app folder in the root of my update and not in the data/app
For Busybox... I just use the one from the market and then use superuser.apk (all included in my update.tgz). Root works fine. Not sure what you mean about not having enough space stuff...
Also the install-seq.sh works great! As long as you don't have the androidinstall.tgz in your andboot folder.
FR06 Dialer rocks btw!