Originally Posted by natemcnutty
Ahh, I was thinking /system/xbin was before /system/bin in the PATH, and the su in /system/xbin isn't the right one. Guess it really doesn't matter, but I noticed that was a common theme in most root programs and thought it might fix some of the issues. Guess not :P
I guess all we really need to do is copy su and busybox from /bin to /system/bin during the first time script.
I agree with ACL that we should move anything ROM related out of the install-seq.sh and move it into the scripts that are run on the ROM's first launch. Any ideas or commits you have for that, let me know 
Just used the system.ext2 method with FRX06 and it worked great!
Booted up with no issues except data... Here is my log:
03-29 22:19:37.280: INFO/DEBUG(173): debuggerd: Mar 1 2011 18:59:25 03-29 22:1 - Pastebin.com
For the install-seq.sh:
sed -i 's/ro.sf.lcd_density = 210/ro.sf.lcd_density = 240/' /system/build.prop
EDIT: No data on second boot either... My modules are not loaded...
Still looking at it...
But I do not like the new keylayout!

How can I get back to the other? Thanks!!!
I get a invalid arg with this command: mount -t squashfs -o ro,relatime /dev/block/loop3 /system/lib/modules