Thread: new to android
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Old 03-29-2011, 04:17 AM
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new to android

this is my first android phone, i used to be a winmo user...

ive looked around, try n see what i need to do to my phone to get started on my customizations... i have a cpl of questions thou...

i see there are different versions of rooting, what is the difference? im thinking of downloading the one-click-version but like i said, i dont know what the difference would be... (besides the obvious that of course this is a one click thing and the others are more of a process)

i read that in order to remove apps, add stuff etc etc u write a code? where do u do that and where do you learn the different codes? or am i getting too advanced too soon?

what else after rooting can i do to my phone besides the obvious of adding themes, and custom roms?

thanks in advance, i did try searching but it can be difficult not knowing the vocabulary of what the simplest thing can mean
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