03-28-2011, 03:18 PM
Awesomenss :)
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Re: [How-To] Flash WP7 to your HD2!!
Originally Posted by Improve
You may have fixed this issue by now on your HD2, but in case you didn't did you deploy the Connection Setup .XAP through WP7 Dev Tools App Deployment? Besides what orangekid said that could be the only other problem. I have flashed DFT Rom plus a few others and all I had to do to get my network data connections set up was APN, Connection setup, Wifi, and I was good to go.
I hope you got it working. HTC HD2 Dual boot Win-Droid is thing of beauty, I'm running Android 2.3.3 Version Gingerbread on SD very smoothly, along with a 5 day old WP7 tweaked ROM with a 7008 NODO spoofed update(Annoying message from ZUNE to update). Thanks to Cotulla's MAGLDR I boot up either OS in about a minute. Not bad at all, EVO and Thunderbolt users cant say they enjoy that kind of freedom on nearly the same kind of hardware.
very well said and I agree 100%