Will have to try the green application then. I have not decided if I want to root and change rom's yet. Not seeing the huge advantage as of yet other the losing alot of sleep and hoping they developer updates their roms. Seeing you get no more updates from your provider when you do so.
I was a firm believer of rooting & rom's with my inc, touch pro2. For me I am working too much to have to go through all that is needed and the hidden issues that come with this. I know that I have only had the phone a week and not really having any issues, even with the bloat ware it's running flawless for me. Ask me a month from now and I may being telling another story once I get bored with the phone and sure I will root & rom. You can always get the updates that are put out in the new rom,s sooner or later. I will tell you I have already downloaded the virus rom and the easy root.... Just have not pulled the trigger yet!
For now I am enjoying the TB.... I told my grandma I had TB she said oh my... then explained it's the ThunderBolt!!!!! She laughed!!
Good luck to all that root & rom,,, sure I will sooner or later.