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Old 03-08-2008, 01:44 PM
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Big Dookie
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Re: Introducing the Mac Cube!

Yeah, it's no big deal. I did download the MacFlo Maker, but I haven't installed it yet. I just updated the path in my registry. But yeah, it's probably specific to my phone, so no worries. I have a feeling I will like this thing even more once I customize it with the MacFlo Maker, too.

Don't worry about comments like the guy that posted below me earlier, because (1) he's most definitely in the minority, and (2) he's probably a jackass in real life as well, so he probably has no friends. Believe me, most of the people on here (especially those who have any clue as to how much work it takes to create a customizatoin like this) having nothing but appreciation for what you're doing. Like I said before, until the MacFlo, I've using nothing but the iCube on my phone practically since I got the thing, so you're work certainly isn't going to waste.

Keep it up!