1. Wait for your phone to malfunction
hopeful the longer it work properly the better.
2. 4 Finger into clockwork Hold down the Volume up/down power button and camera button all at the same time.
3. Wipe the cache partition.
4. Goto Advanced and then select wipe Dalvik cache.
5. Fix Permissions.
6. Go back and then Reboot system now.
7. Make sure you only have the 3g radio open.
8. Open up Titanium Back and wipe the data from wifi_tether_v3_0-pre10.
9. Open up wifi_tether_v3_0-pre10 and you should be good to go.
10. Goto the settings and change the device profile to the Samsung Epic 4G.
Version wifi_tether_v3_0-pre12 is out now I am going to give it a try and let you guys know what I think of it but right now version wifi_tether_v3_0-pre10 is the most stable for me.
I have be surfing with wifi_tether_v3_0-pre12 for serveral hours. It rebooted when I first started using it so, I did the above steps and I have not had any problems with it since. I am using 4g and my and love the stablity of my wifi tether now.