Originally Posted by elcapo24682
Or a more superior way to do it is convert said .mp3 file to .wma pro format then sync to phone from PC. The file will be smaller in size and have better sound quality. This works with wp7 devices with NoDo update installed as opposed to the above.
Syncing to a computer and downloading on the phone are TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THINGS. I think you missed the point. WP7 already has the ability to sync with a pc and that has never been a issue. It can sync with Zune or as a removable disc if your registry edit the pc your syncing with. Your way is NOT superior. It's just different. The purpose of this is to be able to download mp3's from the internet permanently on the device itself without the need of a pc. I know it may seem foreign to a geeker to be away from a pc for a substantial period of time, but this is the real world and people want this ability on the go and to not feel ball and chained to a computer. I'm just trying to find a solution. Either help or not.