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Old 03-25-2011, 04:57 AM
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Re: Inconsistent charging after custom ROM - *solved*

Originally Posted by mwalt2 View Post
If it just won't charge from a laptop, have you tried using no2chem's modded battery driver? A lot of people seem to think that is the cause of the no charge problems, but it does allow your phone to charge from a computer usb at the same rate it would charge from a wall socket (900-1000 mA instead of 500 mA). There have been times when I've been tethered that the discharge current is more then 500 mA, which would mean the stock battery driver charging would not be able to keep the battery charged when tethering via usb.

This depends on what you mean by 'charging properly'. If it shows that the phone is charging via laptop usb, but it's just slow or too low of a charge, then the no2chem battery driver may help (assuming Vin didn't already put it in his ROM).

I'm gonna try your recommendation mwalt2. What you said makes sense to me. However I suspect that the true problem is the mini usb port on this refurb. If I even so much as bump this refurb while its tethered it disconnects, you can here my laptop beep when ever I move the phone. I'm just dreading the conversation ahead of me with the Sprint store when I attempt to explain this problem. I'm pretty sure its not the data cable, I have 2 cables and both exhibit the same issue.
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