Originally Posted by tiger2wander
I've just tested the new clean build and got same problem with recovery, and yes I think problem come from some key is not map correctly for RHOD500 and it simple get right way to go.
Are there any code to auto detect hardware board to load related keyboard map or we need to manual set it somewhere?
Don't get into recovery menu but I still can use adb to check something, but don't known where to check it LOL.
Is there anyway to restart adbd since it has PID = 1? I tried to kill it but failed, seen it has protected by kernel, because of init process :P
nope, you are getting confused with userland keyboard stuff. For recovery we use only the gpio keys which i already posted on the commit thats breaking it.
So the whole KB isnt working ? or what? remember i havent even ran this code and this is why i havent realeased a test kernel yet, so you are going to have to debug like the big boys do it