So our TP2s have 4 buttons on the front. phone answer, phone disconnect, windows key and "back".
Yet every Android phone I see has these (at max 4) buttons:
menu/context, back, search, home.
Wouldn't it make more sense for us to remap the phone answer to the search button, and the phone disconnect to the home button? No android phone has, nor really needs those two phone buttons (at least ones I've seen)...
I guess if you're really anal, you can put new stickers over them with a home image and a looking glass
Otherwise it's looking great. While Android is still really in alpha testing since not everything is quite functional, along with the SD booting, it's
still better than crappy winmo 6.5!!! I can't use it yet 100% as I require bluetooth on the phone for at least a headset, but I'd certainly ditch WinMo once that (which seems close) and NAND booting is going (which also seems so close!!)