Originally Posted by natemcnutty
What about something like this?
tar -cvzf /cache/modules.tgz /data/modules/
/bin/flash_eraseall /dev/mtd/mtd3 > /dev/null
/bin/mount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /data > /dev/null
tar -xzf /cache/modules.tgz -C /data
i ran my first test yesterday to restructure the modules path. I tried to port over sqsh4 so i can try the other method but the patch is too massive. So ill try to night with yaffs2 instead. If it works, then we will just do as you said and copy them over to system and mount looping them. This way we can wipe data all we want and not loose anything. Only thing we need to make sure is that people wipe their old modules or else system will just baloon up.
Also because the recovery is only 8mb, we will only have room for 1 extra kernel in there.. ohh well.. better than nothing