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Old 03-21-2011, 08:35 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-11: FRX05 on NAND (data working again!)

Originally Posted by MassStash View Post
so with the sdcard BS, we're at what exactly? Testing those ideas?

Acl, fn no worky in boot code, so wuah wuah to that one.... annnnnd, what's good with terminal in recovery? Eh eh? Dat'd be pretty shweet, specially with green font, idk...

Also, I'll reiterate = !@#$%^&*()+=-_£€\/'";>. My keyboard fn shiznit is workin business stylee.... nothin tweaked in install-seq either, straight from bootenv

Sent from my sdcard hanicapped MassStashed kustomkookedkernel of nandroid (woot mute button endcall)
So, FN not working in the boot code is because we don't have the character maps being injected into recovery like it is being injected into system. Pretty quick and easy fix.

For sdcard, it's because we are exporting EXTERNAL_STORAGE as /mnt/sdcard and then trying to symlink /mnt/sdcard with /sdcard. It fails because /sdcard already exists. ACL gave a couple of options which we will have to look at. Personally, I think we just create a different folder name in initrd like /sdc1 so that Android can have at /sdcard.
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