sorry for the slow reply. savaged-zen kernels work fine with this rom (as far as i know, i ran 0.2.1 for 2 days to test) and everything was fine. as in GTalk, ill look into this issue as we speak. 10 camera shots and glitches, im gonna have to take a look into that as well. i dont think i ever snapped 10 in a row, so i will today! as in submitting my changes to cm, i have my own github, its just not live yet. all in time
if i submit anythign to them, i want it to be perfect
Hope i covered most the questions. rc4 is just around the corner. mainly just small and cosmetic fixes. MMS should be fixed 100%. and ill make sure talk gets fixed as well.
One other thing, as for any problems with 4g, i live about a mile away from wimax service, so its not that easy for me to test. when i do get out i test as much as possible. so i will continue to try and strengthen the wimax capabilities on our phone