Originally Posted by codyppc
For all those who are customizing their devices... i made this for you. It will change the operators name everywhere on your device. it will surive a softreset. It has an icon called "Personalizer" in the programs menu so you can change it when ever you want.
no more SprintPCS anywhere on your screen. no more verizon wireless either. customize it the way you want.
This will work with the HTC plugin, spb phonesuite, wisbar, pointUI, slide2unlock... just about everything. If you want your Operators name back... just uninstall it from the add/remove programs. should work on most htc devices, and treos.
enjoy, cody
PS: if you like this... please reply so i know if things like this was worth my time writing. thanks.
I think I've already posted this when you had this up at sprintusers, but I think this is a pretty cool little utility!
As an aside, I've been wondering what is that weather app on your today screen?