Originally Posted by tiger2wander
Seen the way to use update.tgz like native Android phone does, I like that way
Is kernel call some thing in "/system/lib/libhtcgeneric-ril.so" when SIM Card is inserted?
I tried to build tinboot without force_cdma=1 but still failed (boot up with error: "not found rootfs"), could anyone working on this point me the right way to build it?
In Haret I have full 3G signal & fast mobile data.
Can we make a port from Haret version?
Best regard!
Uoc Nguyen
Nope kernel has nothing to do with the ril. Ril is for android and this is a kernel issue.
i dont know if you know this, but this is a haret port. lol. we just never had gsm users in the past and now its coming back to bite us in the ass.