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Old 03-21-2011, 01:40 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-11: FRX05 on NAND (data working again!)

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
Cool, I'd like to see what's new.

Tried the "latest" as of this post, and data still doesn't work for me - hm. I have a 3g icon, but when i adb shell, ifconfig returns nothing. ps shows that pppd is in fact running...

I did try ifconfig ppp0, and it did return an IP. I couldn't ping Hrm. Ah well, I'll try out the new stuff when it's up!

Edit - really weird, not sure what this means but I couldn't cp from the command line. Had to /bin/cp...

ofc, /bin/ifconfig also now returns valid output... hrm...
you know the wifi issue and this other issue ur talking about is mainly because we removed /bin from the path. damn people and them wanting root. but i suppose with a full busybox in ur system/bin you should have no issues.
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