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Old 03-20-2011, 03:59 PM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete GingerBread Bundle!!** GBX0A - Alpha! Camera!

Originally Posted by fishingmedic View Post
ffkip, I was running GBX0A since yesterday and other than the data, hadn't had any issues until earlier today. Seems like every time I try to slide out the hard kb to text, etc, I keep getting FC's on it. And on both builds GBX0A and FRX05 lately I seem to be having more and more hard KB issues, just stops typing and you've gotta close the kb and reopen it to continue.
I've had similar keyboard issues on occasion, and I think the problem is the input box is losing focus. Either I'm accidentally hitting the up or down arrow key, or bumping the screen. Try tapping in the edit box next time that happens and see if you can type again. I also get hung keys from time to time that repeat over and over a few dozen times, but that's been going on for months with every single Android package I've tried.
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