Originally Posted by Mike5150
Thanks! How do you like the Astro File Manager? I was really hoping to find Total Commander ported over to Android, but it looks like I'm out of luck. Is Astro preety good?
Yeah so far so good. I only used it briefly to access the Netflix.apk that i tossed on the SD card from the PPCG news page. Easy to use for sure. From the reviews I read, it isn't as nice as TC tho.
Swype is still in BETA for the Thunderbolt, so the auto-space and auto-caps isn't working for sms right now. Still worth it IMHO for the awesomeness of Swype. Especially going from a slide-out qwerty to an on-screen keybaord.
*EDIT x2
THIS WAS POST #1,000 FOR ME!!!!!!