Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
no i didnt say robs kernel cause robs rom has a perfect kernel already but you sonded like you wanted to flash someones kernel other than whats included in the rom. i forgot what cooks kernel you said but seems like some of you guys need to read a little more about whats cooked in a rom and what cwm does ect, im not being mean but i tend to answer posts thinking the user is "up to speed" on terms ect. love seeing new people using robs work but if you guys have questions please ask if you dont understand my posts or terms i use cause i dont wanna confuse anybody.
I agree it would be great to learn more. I read the wiki, but even with the great information, there are holes. Where can I learn more about what goes into a ROM? I don't have the time to learn through trial by fire. My phone works thanks to you folks, and I am happy about that.