Originally Posted by josidhe
Ah, don't knock WP7's network support just yet. As someone who left WM for Android in 09, I can tell you stories about cobbled together, crappy and unreliable unofficial CDMA support hacked into Android 1.5 for carriers. Woof, bad times. WP7 is messing up on a few fronts, but slow and steady network adoption doesn't bother me in the least.
Remember, the only REAL reason we get pissed off by stuff like that is because our contracts end only once every two years, and if something we like isn't available, we're screwed unless with want our existing phone to get even more obsolete. :/
Wake me up when phone subsidies are outlawed, carriers become little more than ISPs, and we can buy new hardware COMPETITIVELY priced at any electronics store at any time.
Can you imagine the 90s if you had to buy your computer from AOL/Compuserve/prodigy if you wanted the internet?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
The thing is the carriers don't want to be a dumb hub...they want to make profit on every single little thing :/...This is actually one of the reasons why WP7 is going to have a hard time...
Effectively manufacturers and carriers prefer Android over the iphone...simply because Android makes them more profit..the only reason they want an iphone is due to popularity...but if it were up to the carriers and carriers alone they would choose Android 100% of the time..simply because they can bloat it...WP7 is trying the iphone game without having the popularity on their side...aka no carrier is going to push them, and manufacturers make more profit on android due to less licensing fees..so they wont push WP7 either..
Originally Posted by MrNybble
Thanks gTen, Never knew that.
As far as the HD7 Pro goes. My TP2 went out (keyboard first then the screen). I got a early release of the HD7 Pro to evaluate and ended up taking it back Our company is now in the process of switching to android (70+ phones). The HD7 with WP7 was slow. Most of our .NET Compact Framework apps do not work. I'm hoping that Microsoft turns it around but right now WP7 is not even on par with the iPhone 4. It was funny, When we were evaluating WP7 on the HD7, the microsoft rep didn't even care and just threw these manufactured case studies at us about how WP7 would increase productivity...Blah Blah Blah... It's almost like they don't even care they are loosing market share...Very Weird.
You mean HTC 7 Pro? That said M$ is probably not trying because they know WP7 is not made for the corporate world yet...at the moment they are aiming at young adults...
And I guarantee you they don't care..I mean I dont see why they announced apps wont be backwards compatible a year in advanced..thats the kind of announcement you make a month in advanced..a year in advanced is like your purposely trying to kill your market share...
Anyways we should get back on topic >.>