Thread: where to start?
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Old 03-18-2011, 11:25 AM
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Originally Posted by MrNybble View Post
Head over to XDA and start reading. It took me several hours of reading before I got the courage to flash it. Start by flashing stock EB13 and Rooting with 2.0.5/6. Then when you get the courage flash Bonsi4all or Syndicate 1.0.1 and have fun. I was a TP2 flasher too. This is my first non WM phone. MS missed the boat with WP7...No Teathering??? No 4G support??? What were they thinking? I love my Epic. Remember it is really hard to brick this phone (it can be done though...heheh) so have fun.

P.S Don't forget to become acquainted with Odin and the new 3.0 CWM root with EXT4 before trying to flash one of the EXT4 ROMS.
Ah, don't knock WP7's network support just yet. As someone who left WM for Android in 09, I can tell you stories about cobbled together, crappy and unreliable unofficial CDMA support hacked into Android 1.5 for carriers. Woof, bad times. WP7 is messing up on a few fronts, but slow and steady network adoption doesn't bother me in the least.

Remember, the only REAL reason we get pissed off by stuff like that is because our contracts end only once every two years, and if something we like isn't available, we're screwed unless with want our existing phone to get even more obsolete. :/

Wake me up when phone subsidies are outlawed, carriers become little more than ISPs, and we can buy new hardware COMPETITIVELY priced at any electronics store at any time.

Can you imagine the 90s if you had to buy your computer from AOL/Compuserve/prodigy if you wanted the internet?

Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
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