Originally Posted by suprmatt
I played with one at the local Sprint store yesterday for about an hour. For the life of me I couldn't get the camera app to load, either by the software link or the hardware button. On first attempt it would say "loading" then crash back to the previous screen (either home or app list), every other attempt was just an instant crash. The battery was damn near drained, I'm not sure if that had anything to do with it though, because my buddy hooked it up to a charger and still had the same results. Anybody else have issues with the camera?
As far as the hinge goes, it was metal as well as the battery cover. The phone was definitely very solid and fast compared to my TP2. I'm hoping this camera issue is just a fluke, as I'm looking to get rid of the finicky TP2.
May have needed a restart, no telling how many people had been playing with it before you trying out this and that.