Originally Posted by Achristocat
Hello there all! Loving the new ROM!
...29013..Mar.12.7z Battery life seems great and much more snappy than my last one...
....28244.Feb.12.7z...this one had a bunch of issues - lock screen lockups, stalls and resets all over. I was overclocking, but not excessively...
Current rom took to overclocking wonderfully!
... the floating widget in CHT ... I got that when I tried to import CHT settings to my new flash. Floating black square widget that wouldn't be edited, couldn't make go away...Fortunately, I had just flashed, so I just hard reset my phone and started CHT and just reassigned links, widgets, etc - all CHT bits.
ahhhh yes, another happy 29xxx customer! Less issues with all the 29xxx series combined than the one or two 28xxx ROMs

Also, with the floating black square... prob put that in wiki, any thoughts? Others?
Originally Posted by powinmo
PM sent back. Hopefully I'll be able to priority mail both headsets tomorrow or Friday at the latest before I head out of town again lol.... Here's hoping everyone is patient while we get NRGZ some extra BT headsets to test out 
Ahhhh yes, a man of his word.... and an honest solution... I'd expect try & return customers from high-schoolers... it costs money, lots of it, a solid majority of these products will never be sold at full price... costs.. which they then pass on... to the customer... and round & round it goes...(wifey in retail mgmt/buying/sales for many years)
Originally Posted by NRGZ28
... Gotta have Titanium. Without it the ROM would be unstable 

You can say that again! LOL... sorry.. just couldn't resist

....patiently waiting...