Come to think of it, the last phone I got, I had to call sprint and from my keypad I had to dial some numbers and enter in some different information. I can not remember the codes or what that I had to put in. I just tried a hard reset, and the same thing, nothing is fixed so I think it is on the carrier's end, just wish I could do that on my own without waiting until late tonight to get to it.... I've already been without a phone for a few days.
Usually the term 'push' and 'exchange' go hand-in-hand, which is why I went on the activesync tangent. I'm not really sure what else would apply to 'direct push'...
Okay, I didn't know if it was something that was going to screw something up if I change the registry or something on my phone. no biggie. I use google contacts and sync my phone that way.
Just curious, do you not want to talk to them because of hold times..? There's some direct #'s I can dig up if that's your concern
Just get annoyed talking to them sometimes, plus already being frustrated doesn't help. I appreciate your offer to dig up numbers.... No need to do so, I will wait in line like everybody else.