Originally Posted by orangekid
im pretty sure the top DL speed for HSPA is 7.2mb down afaik, but no one ever really sees that. The hardware in an HD7 could never support DL speed of 25 it's not even HSPA+.
and here u go again ranking and bashing wp7 for not being like google and apple. everyone loves to bust down for jobs but not me. what in chingos does iOS have over wp7? and u still havent answered y u are now ranking OSs when u urself said it wasnt fair to rank them. i guess being unfair towards MS is ok because the rest of the press is doing it too. u used to be the one to defend wp7 against the idiotic trolls like hornet (who is still getting away with murder by the way) qué chingos te pasó mira lo bajo en que caiste. what are u gonna do now? delete this post,close this thread or ban me because i've just unmasked u? jajajja id love to see that happen. and gten i asked for a source as to what code or part of code that MS used to make windows, not a list of everyone who contributed to linux.