Originally Posted by eyeb
Seems like I was doing it right. I followed all the steps except renaming zimage which was why I changed the startup.txt to reflect new zimage
when I said tried most of them, the ones I picked were ones that had more positive than negatives and the ones that mentioned raph800 working.
You can certainly modify the startup.txt to pickup the new kernel, it does work either way. For sanity's sake, I usually tell people to not do that - but you there's nothing stopping you from doing it this way, if it's what you prefer.
Just tends to trip people up when they go renaming stuff in the startup.txt - just so long as you're aware to check that if you're not able to boot

With that said, I wonder if it is the system image... Have you used any older images? Triaging is a pain, but it's necessary to get to the root cause of a problem...