Originally Posted by stckmojo
/facepalm... ok.. if you go back a few pages I clearly posted the problems I had..
Secondly. How anybody deals with your attitude is beyond me... Nearly every thread you post is filled with some sort of hateful crap and is just completely out of control because you are obviously better than everybody else here.
Between the way you treat everybody, that junk you started with tiad, and your general attitude towards everything not posted by you.. it's a wonder anybody ever listens to your crap.
I just asked for the prior package because it ran well and you act like a complete jerk.
Go get some coffee or something to improve that winning attitude, jerk.
Wow, you're a real winner yourself. Just reviewed your posts - voice command is the only issue you're having? Are you serious?!?
You really make me want to help... Hrm, wait no - you make me
not want to help you.
I don't really care what you think of me, if that isn't obvious. If you feel that I started "junk" with tiad8, you really, truly are clueless. Please, move along troll - don't need you here.