Originally Posted by teradog
YAHOO MAIL: has happened 2 me
yahoo temporary fix?: setup to DL headers only, i set 2 dl 3 days only (which didnt work at first) as that one i use 4 junk mail... after all DL'd, u can double click 2 view/dl messages, leave 4 a day or 2 like that (let settle), change to what u want after that (2k, 5k, 100k, entire msg, etc..)
mine only has last 3 days in it as it is suppose to.. (setup 4 3 days)...... i went 2 menu, tools, clear yahoo, then send receive 2 test & it dld only last 3 days again.
as a test u may want 2: set 4 3 days, dl headers only (shouldnt take an hour even 4 thousands of emails).. leave 4 an hour to settle, go clear yahoo & see if it then only dl's last 3 days again... (while still set 2 headers only.. but it may take longer 2 settle...(day or 2)
sent via tp2 from Jacuzzi 
teradog, thanks for the run down. I don't think I want to try it again though, lol. I have 4800 messages in my inbox, and about 20 sub-folders with more email in it. It sort of bothers me seeing it download that much stuff. But I think your instructions could be really helpful for a lot of people.