Originally Posted by m4f1050
...Long story short, got my old TP2 back!  And I'm quite impressed from reading 1st post, not just Booting, but Running from NAND! Awesome!
Count me in for testing! I just downloaded the 4 files, on Monday I will report back with my findings!
EDIT: Quick question.. After it installs, can I delete/remove the andboot folder?
You can delete your andboot folder after first boot as it is not used again unless you want to update. That is where we will be putting updates and other scripts for now.
Also, a note for everyone on screen wake. Try pressing and holding the power button for a second rather than a quick tap. It seems to be more reliable for me if I hold it for a second (but not long enough that it would bring up the shutdown/airplane mode menu).
As for su, I haven't had a chance to work on it yet, but I'm hoping to have some time tonight. Ultimately, I think I need to include it in either initrd or androidupdate and then copy it over using the method ACL posted earlier.